A little while ago, a cool Beehive named Val asked if she could write something for The Personal Progress Helper. Immediately I said yes, and now the time has come to share her great ideas. Her advice is mostly aimed at young women who are brand new beehives and still transitioning out of primary, but no matter where you are, her advice is definitely worth considering. Here she is!

I know how hard it can be to switch from “Faith in God for Girls” to “Personal Progress.” I am a Beehive myself! My name is Val and I am a guest writer for today on The Personal Progress Helper. I think that I would have loved to have something like this to help me when I started Personal Progress not too long ago.
To start off, I am going to give you some advice on what to start on as soon as you get your book:

  1. You should definitely start reading the Book of Mormon. I have a cousin who just completed Personal Progress as a 16-year-old Laurel. When I asked her for tips on Personal Progress she said she regrets not reading the Book of Mormon earlier because it was one of the hardest parts.
  2. You should complete all of Virtue because you can complete all of the experiences in one day and you will have already started reading the Book of Mormon. I have completed Virtue #1 and #2. I can tell you that for those ones, they are super easy and don’t require too much work.
  3. On pages 6-7 in the Personal Progress book it gives requirements to finish your Personal Progress. You should definitely start with those because, they are requirements and cannot be dismissed.

These tips could save you when you are 17 and turning 18 in one month and you need to finish Personal Progress. If you would like more tips you can totally look around here on The Personal Progress Helper and you will not be disappointed.
Because there are quite a few tough experiences out there, I went to sources and found all of the experiences that can be completed in one day. Below is a printable that I made that you can hang up in your room so when you have nothing to do, you can work on these.
Download the Values in One Day printable as a PDF