Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon Mutual Activity My stake set a challenge for everybody. especially the youth, to read The Book of Mormon by July 1st. Several months ago the laurel class had talked about doing a Book of Mormon read-a-thon, but due to disorganization (mostly on my part) we never did it. Then, when our mutual plans changed last minute for the week of July 1st, the idea came up again. Instead of everybody reading the entire Book of Mormon, they would just come and read as a group from where they were already at, with the hope that it would motivate everybody to finish (and claim a super cool prize and Girls Camp). Of course then we ended up holding mutual on July 2nd, but I think it may have helped to realize that just because you didn’t reach the goal doesn’t mean you failed, and reading the Book of Mormon after July 1st is just as important as reading it before—but then the deadline was extended to that Sunday (July 5th). In preparation I threw together half-sheet reading charts, a group tracking chart, and a quote handout, just for fun. I also provided pens and sticky notes, for marking verses along the way. It turned out that almost everybody was out of town, so we only had 6 of 20-25 girls show up, but it was still a productive evening for most. I’m sharing the resources I made in the hopes that others out there who want a low-key but still spiritual last minute activity can do it with as little prep work as possible. As a bonus, I thought after the fact that it would’ve been fun, had we had a larger group, to divide up into groups based on our locations, so I made signs for those as well. Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon Mutual Activity QuoteLast Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need!Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need!Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need!Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need!Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need! All the files can be downloaded in one .zip folder here. Last Minute Book of Mormon Read-a-Thon for Mutual -- All the printable resources you need!