Holy cow! This is usually busy season at The Personal Progress Helper, with Young Women in Excellence programs happening, and prep for the coming year. After General Conference, though, I’ve been getting all those emails, and dozens of emails about a funny little post from almost 5 years ago about the history of the Young Women organization.

Back in Spring 2015, I created a visual timeline of the history of personal progress and the Young Women program. It was a fun journey back in time to see how much has changed in the program, and how the focus of the program has grown increasingly spiritual in nature. Unfortunately the files I used were fairly low-resolution, not ready for print use. That, combined with all the new changes we’ve experienced in the past 5 years — even just the past month — was reason for me to release an updated and print-ready version of this timeline!

What struck me was just how much the program changed while I was a part of it. And next, I was hit by how old I am (3 years past Young Women age already) and how much the organization has evolved since then. And starting in January, we’ll have an entirely new program — so stay tuned for more updates!

What crazy to realize, though, is just how drastically the church has changed since it’s beginnings to today — and yet how the doctrine of Jesus Christ has stayed the same! What an amazing evidence of how God leads his church by revelation!

And now … the moment you’ve all been waiting for … a print-ready PDF!

The most interesting changes since 1843 for Young Women in the Church!
What are some of the most interesting changes since 1843 for Young Women in the Church that you learned about?

I am so excited to see what comes next as current church leaders continue to follow revelation and lead us where we need to go!