Faith in God & Personal Progress Activity and Experience PairingsSource:

A year ago my sister turned 8, and with that meant Activity Days. Most of this year I’ve been going with her to help out, and I’ve had a blast. They have the most amazing leader who is so fun and loving, and being there has reminded me of my experiences in Activity Days. Being there has also reminded me of just how similar the Faith in God program is to Personal Progress. And so I decided to sit down and see how many parallels I could draw between the two programs. It turns out almost every activity in Faith in God has an equivalent experience in Personal Progress!
Faith in God & Personal Progress
Of course, some of them don’t fit quite as neatly as others, but this list is still a good starting point. This information is neat, but basically useless without putting it into action.

Some situations where it would be really helpful:

  • A Young Woman and her Activity Days sister can sit down together and work on their individual goals together, and help each other learn and grow.
  • Beehive class presidents can help incoming beehives become excited about Personal Progress by showing some similarities.
  • Young Women can volunteer to help in Activity Days as a 10-hour project, and complete value experiences at the same time by select goals she can work on with the girls.
  • Young Women can assist in planning an Activity Days Summer Camp or Workshop with activities that will help Young Women and Activity Days girls accomplish their goals.

There are countless other ways young women, parents, and leaders can find these paired up activities useful. This is a list of things I’ve personally seen and have found can lead to meaningful experiences for everybody involved.
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Faith in God & Personal Progress
Faith in God & Personal Progress (black & white)