week three We’ve reached week three, which means we should all have the hang of it now, right? I know I’ve fallen behind on a few things, but I’m still trying my best—and luckily I’m ahead in a couple other areas, so I can spend those weeks catching up! This week I discovered HashAtIt.com which shows posts across social networks with the same hashtag, and so I decided to use it to keep an eye out for the #PersonalProgressChallenge hashtag. I’ve installed the hashtag widget at the bottom of the website so I can keep track, especially since I’m not an Instagram user.  The Summer Personal Progress Challenge Weekly Study Packet from The Personal Progress Helper A quick glance at this week: START: Individual Worth #3 START & FINISH: Individual Worth #4 CONTINUE: Faith #1 Faith #4 Faith #7 Divine Nature #2 Choice and Accountability #7 VIRTUE PROJECT: Read 2 Nephi 20-Jacob 5 JOURNAL PROMPTS: What can I do now to prepare to serve in God’s kingdom? How does recognizing God’s hand in my life help me bless the lives of others? What decisions can I make now that affect my future? What do the scriptures teach about the importance of doing God’s will? Why does Heavenly Father want me to make my own decisions? SOCIAL MEDIA CHALLENGE CHALLENGE 1: Share the acts of kindness you do for others in Individual Worth #3 with the hashtag #PersonalProgressChallenge CHALLENGE 2: Share a goal from Individual Worth #4 and how you’re going to achieve it with the hashtag #PersonalProgressChallenge ONGOING CHALLENGE: Share something you learned from your Book of Mormon reading with the hashtag #PersonalProgressChallenge