General Conference 10 Hour Personal Progress Value Project

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  · Select the value you would like to study as your project and discuss your plans with a parent or leader. Write your project and have a parent or leader approve it.
· Create a General Conference notebook or print the General Conference Study Packet.
· Watch General Conference. The General Sessions total 8 hours, with the Women’s Session being 1.5 hours and the Priesthood Session being 2 hours.
· Throughout General Conference, take notes on the teachings about the specific value you’ve chosen. Write down quotes, scripture references, and stories with examples.
· At the close of General Conference, study your notes and write in your journal your overall impressions of General Conference, and how your understanding of the value you chose has increased.
· Share with a parent or leader how your testimony grew through General Conference as you studied your value.
· Create a quote board with your favorite quotes you’ve written down and keep it in your bedroom or locker.
· Go back and make a schedule to study all the talks directly following General Conference. (They’re available by the following Wednesday)
· Create Family Home Evening Lesson Plans based on General Conference Talks and share them with your family and fellow Young Women.
General Conference 10 Hour Personal Progress Value Project